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Rate limiting based on Key


key-rate-limit plugin implements a rate-limiting function based on specific key-values. The key-values may come from URL parameters or HTTP headers.

Configuration Fields

NameTypeRequirementDefault ValueDescription
limit_by_headerstringOptional. Choose one from following: limit_by_header, limit_by_param.-The name of HTTP header used to obtain key-value used in rate-limiting.
limit_by_paramstringOptional. Choose one from following: limit_by_header, limit_by_param.-The name of URL parameter used to obtain key-value used in rate-limiting.
limit_keysarray of objectRequired-Rate-limiting thresholds when matching specific key-values

Field descriptions of limit_keys items:

NameTypeRequirementDefault ValueDescription
keystringRequired-Value to match of the specific key
query_per_secondnumberOptional. Choose one from following: query_per_second, query_per_minute, query_per_hour, query_per_day.-Number of requests allowed per second
query_per_minutenumberOptional. Choose one from following: query_per_second, query_per_minute, query_per_hour, query_per_day.-Number of requests allowed per minute
query_per_hournumberOptional. Choose one from following: query_per_second, query_per_minute, query_per_hour, query_per_day.-Number of requests allowed per hour
query_per_daynumberOptional. Choose one from following: query_per_second, query_per_minute, query_per_hour, query_per_day.-Number of requests allowed per day

Configuration Samples

Use query parameter apikey for rate-limiting

limit_by_param: apikey
- key: 9a342114-ba8a-11ec-b1bf-00163e1250b5
query_per_second: 10
- key: a6a6d7f2-ba8a-11ec-bec2-00163e1250b5
query_per_minute: 100

Use HTTP header parameter x-ca-key for rate-limiting

limit_by_header: x-ca-key
- key: 102234
query_per_second: 10
- key: 308239
query_per_hour: 10

Enable rate-limiting for specific routes or domains

# Use _rules_ field for fine-grained rule configurations
# Rule 1: Match by route name
- _match_route_:
- route-a
- route-b
limit_by_header: x-ca-key
- key: 102234
query_per_second: 10
# Rule 2: Match by domain
- _match_domain_:
- "*"
limit_by_header: x-ca-key
- key: 102234
query_per_second: 100

In the rule sample of _match_route_, route-a and route-b are the route names provided when creating a new gateway route. When the current route names matches the configuration, the rule following shall be applied. In the rule sample of _match_domain_, * and are the domain names used for request matching. When the current domain name matches the configuration, the rule following shall be applied. All rules shall be checked following the order of items in the _rules_ field, The first matched rule will be applied. All remained will be ignored.